Monday, January 31, 2011

My Bubble was Burst

I always thought that the more educated a person is, the more peaceful they are.  I thought knowledge was power. In my view that power meant the ability to be logical and reasonable about a subject because you would have more knowledge about it.  I thought it meant you would no longer have to use violence because you would be smart enough to have different ways of solving a problem. To me violence meant ignorance.  
I read a narrative on Malcolm X called Literacy Behind Bars. The narrative went over how he learned to read and understand books by learning words in the dictionary while he was in prison.  I thought to myself that this guy must be incredibly smart with all the books he read.   I looked up Malcolm X on Google. (I was getting him confused with Nelson Mandela.) I learned a little about Malcolm X and who he was.  A lot more research is in order but part of a quote that upset me was “by any means necessary”…does that include violence? 
I have opened my eyes to my previous assumption.  Are highly educated people more peaceful? Why would such a seemingly smart man use or indorse violence?  Maybe smart people use their knowledge to form new ways and manipulate violence.
I have no conclusion to these thoughts; I defiantly need to do more research.  I guess that a person can be intelligent or book smart, and still be ignorant of what is right or wrong.  Today, my bubble was burst on my thoughts of how the world works.  My husband said something that I liked and felt fitting with this entry; “With power comes great responsibility…. or carnage.”

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